Shocking News!

New play ground opening in Marine Park and its raining tacos!

Is this the change we need?

Marine Park in brooklyn is finally having a big change. This is what it needs! Marine park has always been a pretty broing neighborhood. It has its regular stores like Key Food, and its delis. It has schools but only one playground in its park. The parks playground is cool but it needs a change. According to Marine park news, Change is for the best, esspecialy for Marine park! Now this shows marine park is boring. Now the chrildren wont have to be bored all day on the old boring play ground! They can finally have fun.

Now for the Raining Tacos? A strange occurance is happening live, ow at Marine Park Brooklyn. It is Rainging tacos! I know, you dont believe it but it is acually happening! Scientist are trying to find out why this is happening but it is too random to even figure out. The tacos are pretty big. I guess you can say Marine Park will be eating tacos forever if this doesnt stop soon. First with the new playground, now with the tocas. One can now say Marine Park is the most exciting neighbor hood ever!

By Evan Kraljev My pdf version of news article
